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Why Choose
LTJ Consulting?


LTJ Consulting will offer more than 30 years of practical, real-life, executive and leadership experience from the private, state and county government. To compliment direct experiences LTJ Consulting offers advantaged academic, and industry certification as well as access to a pool of industry experts in the leadership field. 


LTJ Consulting offers successful, executive leadership and management experiences who understand the landscape of leading new and tenured organizations in a dynamic, every changing environment impacted by staffing shortages, budget deficiencies, high turnover, team dysfunction and high customer demand.


LTJ Consulting offers demonstrated, successful, statewide performance improvement and attainment of statewide goals and objectives by demonstrating exemplary leadership and collaborating with key partners while working in an oversight capacity, navigating political landscapes and addressing negative past mindsets.  


LTJ Consulting has a demonstrated success record of coaching and elevating others to achieve their goals both personally and professionally. LTJ Consulting uses verified industry practices and specific, approved, standards, to assist individuals in becoming the best they can be. 


LTJ Consulting offers a blend of practical, solid leadership experiences combined with academic and credentialed acknowledgement to assist others in creating a legacy of success and attainment of goals and aspirations.   

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